Cocoa Village Massage

Discover the ultimate in personalized massage therapies that will revitalize both your body and mind. Our wide range of tailored bodywork includes soothing relaxation massages, effective injury treatments, relief from chronic pain and headaches, as well as rehabilitation services. Conveniently located in charming Cocoa Village, Florida. Take time to unwind, you deserve it!!

Unwind with a Swedish massage.

Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes. Swedish massage bodywork uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation.

Rejuvenate with a therapeutic massage.

A therapeutic healing bodywork treatment that can be strong or gentle with deep or light pressure. In Balance Remedial Massage benefits damaged tendons, impaired, tense or immobile muscles. This may include the whole body or just specific problem areas.

Ultimate relief deep tissue massage.

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially beneficial for people with chronic aches and pains or those experiencing stiffness in areas such as the neck, lower back, shoulders, and legs. This may include the whole body or just specific problem areas.

Achieve flex with assisted stretch.

There are numerous benefits to assisted stretching, such as increasing your flexibility, blood circulation and range of motion. It also helps reduce chronic pain and stiffness, and it lowers risk of injury. Assisted stretching can improve core strength and posture, and enhance athletic performance while reducing your recovery time, our certified stretch therapist are ready to help.

Quick fix chair massage.

Chair massage bodywork is a great option for individuals who have limited time and seek relief from neck or back pain. Unlike a traditional massage on a table, a chair massage is performed while you remain seated and clothed in an upright position. This type of massage targets specific areas of tension and discomfort, providing relief and relaxation. The therapist focuses on your back, neck, shoulders, and arms, using various massage techniques to alleviate pain and improve flexibility. The therapeutic effects of a chair massage include reduced muscle tension, increased blood circulation, improved range of motion, and stress relief.

Geriatric Massage

Geriatric massage presents a holistic approach to promote the well-being of older adults. It not only addresses the physical challenges associated with aging but also provides emotional support and a sense of relaxation. By incorporating geriatric or senior massage into their healthcare routine, seniors can enjoy the benefits of improved mobility, pain relief, reduced stress levels, and enhanced overall quality of life.

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Call, visit, or write for a free consultation.

At Unwinding Spot, located in the charming historic Cocoa Village of Florida, we are thrilled to offer an exceptional massage experience. As a duo of dedicated and passionate massage therapists, we provide a range of modalities, including assisted stretch, myofascial release, deep tissue, therapeutic, relaxation massage, and aromatherapy. With unwavering compassion and attention to detail, we tailor each session to meet the specific needs and goals of every client, ensuring maximum relief and rejuvenation. We take pride in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for your comfort and safety, further enhancing your overall experience. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain or simply looking to indulge in some much-needed self-care, we are here to help you unwind like never before!

Business Hours

10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Availability by Provider.

Celestina – Tuesday – Friday – Saturday

Michael – Sunday – Monday – Thursday

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The Unwinding Spot LLC. 2024. 627 Brevard Ave. Cocoa, Florida. 32922 Cocoa Massage & Skin MM 45101 Phone 321-474-8482 Email